Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Sunday 6 June, Panaria and Stromboli

At Vulcan's forge.

Explaining plate tectonics to a 3 year old.

Er...the earth, Maddie, is a bit like, orange. Which has been dipped And then someone has done a jigsaw on it. So if you press a jigsaw piece a bit hard, some ketchup squirts out. OK? So, we're at a bit where the ketchup is squirting out. And Oxford is at a bit in the middle of a jigsaw piece. Where ketchup can never squeeze out. Is all that clear? Good.

Which doesn't really do justice to Stromboli's fireworks which were nearly as exciting to the kids as going through tunnels on the way to the boat, with the flourescent bracelets we gave them this morning.

Things that don't happen at home #7 Huge great ******* cockroaches* the size of small dinner plates don't live in one's domestic lavatory or in establishments that one patronises.

*Or 'conklecrunches' as Maddie described them on returning, shaken and unevacuated, to the cafe table.

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