Tuesday 29 June 2010

Saturday 26 June Kobarid, western Slovenia

See line 1, Friday 18 June.

The Kobarid area was the scene of intense fighting during WW1, with the Italians alone losing over 500,000 men. A 5 km Historical Circuit, starting from our campsite and complete with added waterfall, seemed set to provide the afternoon's diversions.

Now, what does a family of 4 need for a walk around a rugged Alpine former battlefield, featuring a rickety wooden suspension bridge and a trek to a waterfall?
- One bicycle for a 4 year old. Check.
- One bicycle for a 2 year old. Because her sister is taking hers. Check.
- One large bicycle trailer, buggy conversion mode adopted, for a 2 year old. Check.
- One rucksack to carry 2 year old in should she not feel like cycling or the terrain be too rough for a buggy. Check.

At the top of the steps leading down to the bridge, the two bicycles were crammed into the buggy, the 2 year old was strapped into the rucksack and the 2 adults carried belongings down to and over the bridge.

A kindly American carried one bicycle up the 93 steps at the other end. Maddie, convinced her praise enablement device was being stolen, and receiving no assurances to the contrary, sprang speedily up all of the steps. At the top the circuit continued on up further steps. We turned left and descended a track gently back to base, leaving 3.5 km of historical revelations for another day.


  1. I guess I have this all to look forward to - it still amazes me the amount of stuff associated with someone as small as Ellie that we have to take with us going anywhere. We had to buy a roof box for the car just to go visit her grandparents! Off to the Norfolk coast on Saturday for a week and hopefully Ellie's first play on a beach.

  2. A roof box?? What on earth did you put in that? I bet you didn't use half the stuff..
